Sunday, October 14, 2018

Artificial Intelligence

Welcome to my another technical blog. In this blog I'm trying to explain about the most awaited future technology:-Artificial Intelligence.
Hope you like it!😊😊

Let first discuss what is AI

According to the father of Artificial Intelligence John McCarthy, it is “The science and
engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs”.
Artificial Intelligence is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a
software think intelligently, in the similar manner the intelligent humans think.

AI is accomplished by studying how human brain thinks, and how humans learn, decide, and
work while trying to solve a problem, and then using the outcomes of this study as a basis of

developing intelligent software and systems.
Human-like machines are described in many stories and are pictured in sculptures, paintings, and drawings.

Philosophy of AI

While exploiting the power of the computer systems, the curiosity of human, lead him to
wonder, “Can a machine think and behave like humans do?”
Thus, the development of AI started with the intention of creating similar intelligence in

machines that we find and regard high in humans.

Goals of AI

  • To Create Expert Systems: The systems which exhibit intelligent behaviour, learn,demonstrate, explain, and advice its users.
  • To Implement Human Intelligence in Machines: Creating systems that understand, think, learn, and behave like humans.
What Contributes to AI

Artificial intelligence is a science and technology based on disciplines such as Computer Science, Biology, Psychology, Linguistics, Mathematics, and Engineering. A major thrust of AI is in the development of computer functions associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, and problem solving.
Out of the following areas, one or multiple areas can contribute to build an intelligent system:

Applications of AI

  • Gaming: AI plays crucial role in strategic games such as chess, poker, tic-tac-toe, etc., where machine can think of large number of possible positions based on heuristic knowledge.
  • Natural Language Processing:It is possible to interact with the computer that understands natural language spoken by humans.
  • Speech Recognition:Some intelligent systems are capable of hearing and comprehending the language in terms of sentences and their meanings while a human talks to it. It can handle different accents, slang words, noise in the background, change in human’s noise due to cold, etc.
  • Intelligent Robots:Robots are able to perform the tasks given by a human. They have sensors to detect physical data from the real world such as light, heat, temperature, movement, sound, bump, and pressure. They have efficient processors, multiple sensors and huge memory, to exhibit intelligence. In addition, they are capable of learning from their mistakes and they can adapt to the new environment.

AI Issues

AI is developing with such an incredible speed, sometimes it seems magical. There is an opinion among researchers and developers that AI could grow so immensely strong that it would be difficult for humans to control.
Humans developed AI systems by introducing into them every possible intelligence they could,
for which the humans themselves now seem threatened.
  • Threat to Privacy: An AI program that recognises speech and understands natural language is theoretically capable of understanding each conversation on e-mails and telephones.
  • Threat to Human Dignity: AI systems have already started replacing the human beings in few industries. It should not replace people in the sectors where they are holding dignified positions which are pertaining to ethics such as nursing, surgeon, judge, police officer, etc
  • Threat to Safety: The self-improving AI systems can become so mighty than humans that could be very difficult to stop from achieving their goals, which may lead to unintended consequences.
AI Terminology
  • Agent: Agents are systems or software programs capable of autonomous, purposeful and reasoning directed towards one or more goals. They are also called assistants, brokers, bots, droids, intelligent agents, and software agents.
  • Autonomous Robot: Robot free from external control or influence and able to control itself independently.
  • Backward Chaining: Strategy of working backward for Reason/Cause of a problem.
  • Blackboard: It is the memory inside computer, which is used for communication between the cooperating expert systems.
  • Environment: It is the part of real or computational world inhabited by the agent.
  • Heuristics: It is the knowledge based on Trial-and-error, evaluations, and experimentation.
  • Knowledge Engineering: Acquiring knowledge from human experts and other resources.
  • Shell: A shell is a software that helps in designing inference engine, knowledge base, and user interface of an expert system.
  • Turing Test: A test developed by Allan Turing to test the intelligence of a machine as compared to human intelligence.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Internet of Things(IoT)

 “In God We Trust. All Others Must Bring Data.” W. Edwards Deming, Statistician, Professor, Author

What is IoT:
Internet of Things or IoT , is  a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers ( UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computing interaction.
Let simplify it..
A thing in Internet of Things can be a person or any other natural or man-man project that can be assigned an IP address and is able to transfer data over a network.

What is an IoT device:
It's a physical object that connect to the Internet. It can be a fitness tracker, a lock or a appliance- even a light bulb.
Imagine fitness band which track your heartbeat...and can flag potential health problems.

How will IoT affect me:
The Internet of Things has arrived and it's going to introduce incredible opportunity over the next five years. And while smart things are exactly that, the IoT industry has a long way to go on in terms of overall security.

How IoT works:
A complete IoT system integrates four distinct component :

  • Sensors/ Devices
  • Connectivity
  • Data Processing 
  • User Interface
1. Sensors/ Devices:- First sensors or device collect data from environment.
2. Connectivity: Next, the data is send to the cloud, but it needs a way to get there! 
                           The sensors/ devices can be connected to the cloud through a variety of methods                                   including : cellular, satellite, WiFi, Bluetooth, low power wide area networks                                       (LPWAN), connecting directly to the internet via ethernet.
3. Data Processing: Once the data gets to the cloud, software performs some kind of processing on                                      it and then user comes in.
4. User Interface: Next, the information is made useful to the end-user in some way. This could be                                  via an alert to the user (email,text,notification).
                              However, it's not always a one way street. Depending on the IoT application, the                                  user may also be able to perform action and affect the system. And some action                                    may performed automatically.

Benefits of IoT:
The Internet of Things offers a number of benefits to organizations, enabling them to:
  • monitor their overall business processes.
  • improve the customer experience.
  • save time and memory.
  • enhance employee productivity.
  • integrate and adapt business models.
  • make better business decisions.
IoT encourage companies to rethink the ways they approach their business, industries and markets and give them the tools to improve their business strategies.

The Future of IoT:
There are 12 billion devices that are currently connect to the Internet, and researches at IDC estimate that by 2020 there will be 26 time more connected things than people.
According to Garter, consumer applications will drive the number of connected things, while enterprise will account for most of the revenue.